About our logo

About our logo

Let’s talk about the Prospective Clothing Logo and how it was created. It’s more than a logo it’s a manifestation within itself

The outermost part of the circle ⭕️. Has PROSPECTIVE CLOTHING going around. PROSPECTIVE meaning the Future or soon to come I.e. PROSPECTIVE homeowner, PROSPECTIVE graduate, PROSPECTIVE millionaire.

Inside the circle ⭕️ is a eye 👁. Thats actually a crystal ball 🔮. Again making reference to the future, looking forward and progress.

The innermost part of the circle inside the eye 👁. Is the pupil that’s actually the sankofa bird 🐦. Sankofa is a African word from the Akan tribe in Ghana 🇬🇭. The sankofa bird 🐦. Is showed to be moving forward while looking back with an egg 🥚 in its mouth. It symbolizes in order to understand our present, we must look back at our past. So we don’t make the same mistakes in the future.

So when you see the logo know it’s real meaning behind it.